Straight from the Mouth of T.W. Fendley, author of The Labyrinth of Time

The Labyrinth of Time Title: The Labyrinth of Time
Author: T.W. Fendley
Publisher: Silent Partner Publishing
Pages: 226
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy
Format: Paperback/Kindle

Can Jade restore the Firestone’s powers before the First Men return to judge humanity? 

 Spending spring break in Peru with her grandmother isn’t sixteen-year-old Jade’s idea of fun. She’d much rather be with her friends at Lake of the Ozarks. Then she meets Felix, a museum director’s son. Jade discovers only she and Felix can telepathically access messages left on engraved stones in the age of dinosaurs. Following the ancient stones’ guidance, they enter the Labyrinth of Time and–with a shapeshifting dog’s help–seek a red crystal called the Firestone. But time is running out before the First Men return on the night of the second blue moon.   

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12 things I wish I knew before I became an author

1.     Finding “your” readers is the hardest part of marketing. Seek them out early by building your author’s platform before you finish your book. Be active on sites like Goodreads and Library Thing. Follow blogs in your genre.
2.     It’s best to have your author website in your name instead of your book’s title—that way you don’t have to start over with each new book.
3.     Self-publishing isn’t free. To do it right, you need professionals to edit the manuscript and do the cover design.
4.     Some indie bookstores won’t carry books published by CreateSpace. To get around that bias, self-pubbed authors sometimes create a publishing company in another name.
5.     If you self-publish, think carefully about the subcategories, tags and keywords you choose. When you list your book on Amazon and other sites, aim for subcategories with fewer competing books to have a better shot at reaching the bestseller rankings. For instance, if your genre is science fiction, your book might fit equally well under subcategories for Alternate History (9,408), Time Travel (2,359) and Steampunk (1,752). Choose Steampunk!
6.     You need a different ISBN for each format of your book—ebook, print, audio. It’s much cheaper to buy ISBNs from Bowker in bulk, but you’re limited on who can use them since one segment of the bar code identifies the publisher.
7.     “Reversion of rights” is an important part of your publishing contract. If possible, have the interior design and cover rights revert to you, or you will have to redo those before you can re-publish the book. The Authors Guild offers its members a free contract review, or check to see if your city has an organization like St. Louis’ VLAA (Volunteer Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts).
8.     Goodreads’ best practices recommend offering at least ten books in a month-long giveaway. However, to take advantage of how they promote titles “recently listed” and “ending soon,” consider keeping your giveaways short (maybe two weeks) and offering fewer books each time. Plan Goodreads giveaways before and after the book’s release date.
9.     Sites like and make it easy to identify agents and publishers for your genre and to track your submissions.
10.  Shaw Guides to Writing Conferences and Workshops offers a comprehensive list of conferences where you can hone your craft, meet readers and/or pitch to agents.
11.  Preditors & Editors and Writer Beware are two of the watchdog sites that monitor agents, publishers and contests. Check them before you sign a contract or send your money.
12. ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange) has a royalty share option that makes it easy and free to get your book made into an audiobook. After production, distribution via Amazon Audible and iTunes is automatic! To help with promotion, ACX provides free copies to authors and producers.

TW Fendley T.W. Fendley is an award-winning author of historical fantasy and science fiction for adults and young adults. She began writing fiction full-time in 2007 after working twenty-five years in journalism and corporate communications. In October 2011, L&L Dreamspell LLC published her debut historical fantasy novel for adults, Zero Time. She fell in love with ancient American cultures while researching story ideas at the 1997 Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop. Since then, she’s trekked to archeological sites in the Yucatan, Peru and American Southwest.

When she’s not writing, T.W. explores the boundaries of consciousness through remote viewing and shamanism. She currently lives near St. Louis with her artist husband and his pet fish. Her latest book is the young adult fantasy, The Labyrinth of Time.

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T.W. is giving away two $25 Amazon Gift Card!

Terms & Conditions:
  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • Two winners will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one $25 Amazon Gift Certificate or Paypal Cash.
  • This giveaway begins November 17 and ends on December 12.
  • Winners will be contacted via email on Monday, December 15.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.
Good luck everyone!


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