Straight From the Mouth of Crime Fiction Thriller Author Jennifer Chase


10 Things You Might Not Know About The First Girls: Detective Katie Scott Book 11

By Jennifer Chase

  1. The series takes place in a town called Pine Valley located in Sequoia County California, along with several nearby towns that are made up and entirely from my imagination.
  2. The commands and search techniques used in the story are some of what I've learned firsthand training my own German shepherd for cadaver/forensic search.
  3. This has been a series that I've wanted to write for some time—more than five years before I pitched to my publisher.
  4. Detective Katie Scott's partner Detective Sean McGaven's character is based on someone I once worked with. 
  5. I've studied nearly one hundred homicide crime scenes, which contributed to the body count and creativity in The First Girl.
  6. Inspiration for the large rural areas in the story was based on my own observations in visiting similar places.
  7. I sketched on paper the crime scenes and farmhouses, areas of escape, and where bodies would be located before writing those particular chapters.
  8. In The First Girl, I loosely outlined the story before beginning to write, but I love to create the guessing game of who the killer is and how the ended is going to be crafted. I had fun with this story.
  9. On my walks or when I'm doing errands, I sometimes take photos of places, locations, and buildings that helped to inspire this story's locations.
  10. I always balance out how many times Detective Katie Scott uses Cisco, her retired military working dog, in area searches surrounding the cases.

The First Girl is available at Amazon & Other Retailers.


Jennifer Chase is a multi award-winning and USA Today Best Selling crime fiction author, as well as a consulting criminologist. Jennifer holds a bachelor degree in police forensics and a master’s degree in criminology & criminal justice. These academic pursuits developed out of her curiosity about the criminal mind as well as from her own experience with a violent psychopath, providing Jennifer with deep personal investment in every story she tells. In addition, she holds certifications in serial crime and criminal profiling. Her latest book is The First Girl.

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